Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First Post!


Never thought this day would come. Frankie has taken up "blogging." The apocalypse MUST be upon us.

So I am moving to Denver in a few days and will likely have limited contact with many over the next year or so. In an effort to keep people informed as to how I'm doing, I was thinking of keeping a (very) short blog with perhaps weekly updates or snippets that inform you of the great or not so great times I am having.

I am going to try and download a blogging app for the iphone too so I can give real time updates of the "road trip of the century - presented by capital one." Actually its just me and John driving in a car for a very long distance. But when interesting stuff happens, I'll try and post.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. "I am moving to Denver in a few days and will likely have limited contact with many over the next year or so" says the guy who made this post via his iphone. Technology just isn't the same over there in Denver! :)
