Friday, December 11, 2009

its been too long

I'm not even sure if anyone is still following this (and I would not be at all surprised if they weren't) since I have not posted in a few months. I cannot make the excuse that I have been too busy, because we all know I have had a little too much time on my hands of late.

But alas, the temperature has finally risen above zero out here and I felt it better now than ever to provide a quick update for the remaining stragglers who have followed this over the summer.

I am doing well out here in Denver. For the past three months or so I have spent my time in a combination of ways: job hunting, hiking, exploring Denver, making new friends, skiing, and catching up on a long list of books I at one time vowed to read. Denver is a town unlike any I have really been in before. It's proximity to "outdoorsy" stuff make it ideal for someone like me who felt slightly quarantined in Boston. Not that Boston didn't have outdoors stuff within its vicinity, but with the Rocky Mountains literally staring you in the face, you know a 15 minute drive gets you to a host of natural landscapes and hiking spots.

The town itself is also much different than what I was used to in Boston and New York (obviously). The actual downtown is much smaller and the rest of the city is sort of an urban sprawl with a bunch of cool neighborhoods. Not many people live in the downtown area, so there is an assortment of commercial and residential in each neighborhood.

Joe and I live in the neighborhood that I guess would be called "Congress Park." We really like our location as we are a short walk to two parks and some shops and coffee houses nearby. If you were willing to walk 10 minutes, it puts you on Colfax which has more bars, restaurants, shops, etc. We are also specifically happy because we have found a watering hole nearby that is Boston College friendly. Go Eagles!

Since the winter months have approached and the snow has been falling (I would estimate that we've had at least three feet of snow so far and its not even technically winter yet) I have tried to make an effort to get the most use out of the season ski pass I purchased when I first got out here. I am happy to say that my seventh trip will be tomorrow (Saturday) and by that point, the ski pass will have officially been "worth it." When daily ski passes cost upwards of $80/day, paying $440 at the beginning of the season seems like a steal. I'm hoping to top out at 20 times this season, but we'll see if the legs can hold up.

I have met a lot of really cool people out here and am enjoying living my life one day at a time. I am so glad to wake up every morning knowing that however this ride turns out, the decision to move out here at this point in my life was the right one.

I will attempt to be diligent in posting and updating over the next few months and I hope I get some visitors out here soon!

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